
  • 2014-03-28
  • 2474

投稿时间/Entry: 26th Mar to 9th Apr

投票时间/Vote:11th Apr to 18th Apr

奖项公布/Announce:21th Apr


Top prize(1 person)Large Package of Spring: two plants,one badminton racket(around 100 yuan)


Second prize(2 persons)Medium Package of Spring: one plant,one table tennis bat(around 70 yuan).


Third Prize(5 persons) Small package of Spring: one plant


1.All the SDC students could take part in the contest.


2.Each student could submit two photos at most (Note: One person would not get two prizes).


3.The picture should be in JPEG format. And the short edge should be longer than 600px.

4.4月9日前将照片发至 dongyj@ucas.ac.cn。并在邮件中注明投稿人姓名,拍摄地点,员工证号和专业。

4.Please send the photos with your information (Name,student number, program you are studying and the place you took the picture) to dongyj@ucas.ac.cn before 9th Apr.

5. 照片会在4月11日至4月18日期间在伟德BETVLCTOR网站上展示。投票将于N501办公室进行,每位员工限投2票。

5.The pictures will be posted on the SDC (college) website between 11th Apr and 18th Apr. The vote will be held in SDC (college) office.

6.咨询请拨打82680004.或发邮件至 dongyj@ucas.ac.cn.

6.If you have any questions please call 82680004 or e-mail dongyj@ucas.ac.cn.

7. 提交作品必须为本人原创,如发现抄袭、盗用等情况将被取消参赛资格。

7.All the pictures should be original work. Plagiarism would be disqualified.


Note: the SDC (college) would review the photos when photos were submitted, those which do not pass the check would not be posted on the website and showed in N501 office.