
  • 殷有薇
  • 2016-07-19
  • 39098


Admission Requirement for Master Programs in SDC

Water and Environment

Admissions to the Master’s programme in Water and Environment shall be based on:

  1. A successful completed Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) or higher in a natural science field such as Agricultural Science, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Engineering or Natural Resources. The Bachelor’s degree must as a minimum include basic courses in mathematics, chemistry, biology and statistics.
  2. High-level English language proficiency



  1. 取得学士学位(或同等学历),或在自然科学领域(如农业科学、生物学、环境科学或自然资源等)获得更高学历。学士学位必须至少涵盖数学、化学、生物学和统计的基本课程。
  2. 较高英语水平。

Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Admissions to the Master’s programme in Neuroscience and Neuroimaging shall be based on a successful completed Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in either group1 or group 2 depending on the level of mathematical and physiological skills of the student:

  1. Group 1: Passed mathematical subjects in basic calculus, linear algebra, vectors, matrices, complex numbers, and Fourier analysis. Eligible BSc degress include: Electro-, Healthcare Techonology-, Biomedical- and Medicine and Technology Engineering, Physics, Nanoscience, or equivalent.
  2. Group2: Passed general physiology. Eligible BSc degrees include: Medicine, Molecular Biology, Biology, Biomedicine, Molecular Medicine, Molecular Biomedine or equivalent.
  3. High-level English language proficiency



  1. 第一组:通过微积分、线性代数、向量、矩阵、复数和傅里叶分析等数学科目。


  1. 第二组:通过普通生理学。符合条件的学士学位包括:医学、分子生物学、生物学、生物医学、分子医学、分子生物医学或同等学历。
  2. 较高英语水平。

Public Management and Social Development

Admission to the Master's programme in Public Management and Social Development shall be based on:

  1. A successful completed Bachelor’s degree. Applicants must possess a substantial knowledge of methods and theories relevant for social science.
  2. High-level English language proficiency



  1. 获得学士学位,申请人掌握足够的社会科学相关研究方法和理论知识。
  2. 较高的英语水平。

Innovation Management

Admission to the Master's programme in Innovation Management shall be based on:

  1. A successful completed Bachelor’s degree in business administration or the equivalent, i.e. an education that is able to contextualize the innovation activities in the sense of understanding and organizing innovation in a concrete organsational context.
  2. High-level English language proficiency



  1. 获得工商管理学士学位或具有同等学力,即经过教育员工能够将创新活动置于具体实践之中,并在组织实践中理解并进行创新活动。
  2. 较高的英语水平。

Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Admission to the SDC MSc program in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering is based on the applicant holding a bachelor degree in chemical engineering, biochemical engineering, chemical technology, biotechnology or related fields. Specifically, the following prerequisites apply:

  1. A strong, working knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences based on 1-1½ years formal courses (60-90 ECTS/24-36 Chinese Credits), distributed among different subject areas approximately thus:
  • Engineering Mathematics (20-30 ECTS/8-12 Chinese Credits)
  • Organic and inorganic chemistry (20-30 ECTS/8-12 Chinese Credits)
  • Thermodynamics and physical chemistry (10-15 ECTS/4-6 Chinese Credits)
  • Physics (10-15 ECTS/4-6 Chinese Credits)
  • 2. Basics of chemical and biochemical engineering based on ½-1 year of formal courses (30-60 ECTS/12-24 Chinese Credits), distributed among different subject areas approximately thus:
  • Applied thermodynamics, mass and heat transfer, unit operations with laboratory (15-25 ECTS/6-10 Chinese Credits)
  • Mathematics modeling, advanced engineering mathematics, process control (05-15 ECTS/2-6 Chinese Credits)
  • Chemical kinetics and reaction engineering (05-15 ECTS/2-6 Chinese Credits)
  • Basic life science, biochemistry, fermentation technology (05-15 ECTS/2-6 Chinese Credits)Prospective applicants not fulfilling the conditions above should contact the head of the educational program before applying.伟德BETVLCTOR化学与生化工程硕士项目接收的员工,应有化学工程、生化工程、化学技术、生物技术或相关专业的学士学位。并应满足以下前序课程要求:
  • 1.应有扎实的数学和自然科学知识基础,至少应完成一年到一年半的相关课程学习,累计不少于24-36学分,各单项课程学分要求如下:
  • 化学与生物化学工程(双方签订协议条款第12条)
  • 3. High-level English language proficiency.
  • 工程数学(8-12学分);
  • 有机化学和无机化学及实验(8-12 学分);
  • 热力学和物理化学(4-6学分);
  • 物理(4-6学分);
  • 2.应有基本的化学和生化工程学习基础,至少应完成半年到一年的相关课程学习,累计不少于12-24学分,各单项课程学分要求如下:
  • 应用热力学、传递、化工原理及实验(6-10学分)
  • 数学建模、高等工程数学、过程控制(2-6学分)
  • 反应动力学、反应工程(2-6学分)
  • 基础生命科学、生物化学、发酵技术(2-6学分)不满足以上学位和课程条件的申请人,请提前与招生办公室联系咨询。
  • 3.较高的英语水平。

Nanoscience and Technology

Admission to the Master's programme in Nanoscience and Technology shall be based on:

  1. A successfully completed Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) or higher in a natural science field such as Nanoscience. Other Bachelor's degree in a natural science such as chemistry, physics, biochemistry or material sciences.
  2. High-level English language proficiency.



  1. 取得学士学位(或同等学历),或在诸如纳米科学等的某个自然科学领域获得更高学历。其他自然科学领域的学士学位诸如化学、物理、生物化学或材料科学。
  2. 较高英语水平。

Life Science of Engineering and Informatics

Admission to the Master’s programme in Life Science of Engineering and Informatics shall be based on:

  1. A successfully completed Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in

Ÿ   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from University of Southern Denmark

Ÿ   Or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a minor in Chemistry from University of Southern Denmark

Ÿ   Or Biomedicine from University of Southern Denmark

Ÿ   Or Pharmacy from University of Southern Denmark or University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Biotechnology from Technical University of Denmark

Ÿ   Or Technical Biomedicine from Technical University of Denmark

Ÿ   Or Molecular Medicine from Aarhus University

Ÿ   Or Molecular Biology from Aarhus University

Ÿ   Or Biotechnology from Aarhus University

Ÿ   Or Biology from Aarhus University

Ÿ   Or Biochemistry from University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Biology and Biotechnology from University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Molecular Biomedicine from University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Food Science from University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Animal Science from University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Veterinary Medicine from University of Copenhagen

Ÿ   Or Biology from a Chinese university

Ÿ   Or Pharmacy from a Chinese university

Ÿ   Or Agriculture from a Chinese university

The following bachelor degrees may grant admission to the Master’s Programme in Life Science of Engineering and Informatics on an individual assessment

Ÿ   Either a BSc in Computer Science from a Chinese university, supplemented with additional knowledge in Molecular Life Sciences

Ÿ   Or a BSc in Chemistry from a Chinese university, supplemented with additional knowledge in Molecular Life Sciences

Other bachelor programmes which are similar to the above in level, extent or content within the Life Science area, may grant admission. This is individually determined by the institution receiving the application.

  1. High-level English language proficiency.
  2. All applicants maybe interviewed prior to admission to assess skills, motivation and knowledge of English.



  1. 取得以下学士学位(或同等学历):

l  生物化学与分子生物学(南丹麦大学/某中国大学)

l  生物化学与分子生物学并以化学为第二学位(南丹麦大学/某中国大学)

l  生物医学(南丹麦大学/某中国大学)

l  药剂学(南丹麦大学或哥本哈根大学/某中国大学)

l  生物技术(丹麦技术大学/某中国大学)

l  技术生物医学(丹麦技术大学/某中国大学)

l  分子医学(奥胡斯大学/某中国大学)

l  分子生物学(奥胡斯大学/某中国大学)

l  生物技术(奥胡斯大学/某中国大学)

l  生物学(奥胡斯大学/某中国大学)

l  生物化学(哥本哈根大学/某中国大学)

l  生物学与生物技术(哥本哈根大学/某中国大学)

l  分子生物医学(哥本哈根大学/某中国大学)

l  食品科学(哥本哈根大学/某中国大学)

l  动物科学(根本哈根大学/某中国大学)

l  兽医(哥本哈根大学/某中国大学)


l  于某中国大学获得计算机科学专业的学士学位,且具备一定的分子生命科学领域相关知识。

l  或于某中国大学获得化学专业的学士学位,且具备一定的分子生命科学领域相关知识。


  1. 较高英语水平。
  2. 可能在录取任一申请人前通过面试对其技能、动机和英语知识进行考核。

Food and Health

Admissions to the Master’s programme in Food and Health shall be based on:

  1. A successfully completed Bachelor’s degree or higher in a natural science field such as: Food Science, Nutrition & Health,  Agricultural Science, Biology, Food & Environment, Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Food Engineering or Food technology. Social Sciences such as: Economics, marketing or sociology must be supplemented by a natural science main focus. For these and other Bachelors education enrolment rely on individual assessment of the Bachelors content and relevance. The Bachelor’s degree must as minimum include a basic course in biochemistry and statistics.
  2. High-level English language proficiency.



1) 在自然科学领域(如食品科学、营养与健康、农业科学、生物学、食品与环境、化学、环境科学、食品工程或食品技术等)获得学士学位或获得更高学历。社会科学领域(如经济学、市场营销或社会学)的学士或更高学历员工必须学习过自然科学相关课程。社会科学领域和其他专业员工的录取条件取决于对其学士所学内容和相关内容的单独测评。本科学习期间必须学习过生物化学和统计学等专业基础课程。

2) 较高英语水平。