Danish students applying Master degree schedule(2014 summer)

  • 2014-01-02
  • 1294
Procedures Date Description Notes
Supervisors January 2014 The supervisors assignment for each Danish student, including one supervisor in Chinese side Danish students are encouraged to find the supervisor by themselves, PC, HEPs and SDC should provide necessary assistance.
Opening Speech Determined by the Chinese supervisor Preliminary thesis: Selecting thesis topic and making plan Student’s supervisor in Chinese side should invite at least three associate Professors or/Professors to attend the opening speech and give necessary suggestions for research plan. Student can download opening speech information forms from SDC website and fill in forms with help from SDC secretary. SDC secretary should help students to finish the online procedures.
Medium-term Progress Report Determined by the Chinese supervisor Research progress report Student’s supervisor in Chinese side should invite at least three associate Professors or/Professors to attend the medium-term progress seminar and give necessary suggestions for research plan. Student can download medium-term progress report forms from SDC website and fill in forms with help from SDC secretary. SDC secretary should help students to finish the online procedures.
Thesis evaluation Before May 31 2014
  • Submit application for thesis evaluation
  • revise thesis
  • thesis evaluation
The students should complete the degree thesis, courses, internship according to UCAS/SDC regulation; The supervisors are responsible for checking the quality of the thesis. Student can apply for thesis defense with supervisors’ permission. SDC will invite at least three associate Professors or/Professors to review thesis. Students should revise thesis according to suggestions from reviewers. Student can download thesis evaluation forms from SDC website and fill in forms with help from SDC secretary. SDC secretary should help students to finish the online procedures.
Thesis defense
  • Submit application for thesis defense
  • thesis defense
  • revise thesis
  • submit finial thesis (hard copy and e-version)
Student can apply for thesis defense with supervisors’ permission based on thesis reviewer’ decision. SDC will invite at least three associate Professors or/Professors to attend thesis defense meeting. Students should revise thesis according to suggestions from associate Professors or/Professors. Student can download thesis defense forms from SDC website and fill in forms with help from SDC secretary. SDC secretary should help
Checking documents/materials for applying for degree In June 2014 Three academic degree committee will check documents/materials, including thesis First academic degree committee (members from colleges) Second academic degree committee (members from the same subject institutes/colleges ) UCAS academic degree committee (members from institutes and colleges)
Confer Degree In July 2014 Degree rewarded to the successful applications The students will receive academic degree certificates in UCAS


程序 时间节点 工作内容 备注
导师 1月 确定导师,其中一名中方导师 鼓励丹方员工自己寻找,如果有困难可找PC、HEPs、SDC寻求帮助
开题 中方导师自定 论文选题及研究方案确定 中方导师邀请至少3名专家参加,导师自行组织。员工从伟德BETVLCTOR网上或伟德BETVLCTOR秘书处获得所需相关表格,伟德BETVLCTOR秘书根据员工提供信息,完成网上信息填报
中期 中方导师自定 论文进展检查 中方导师邀请至少3名专家,导师自行组织。员工从伟德BETVLCTOR网上或伟德BETVLCTOR秘书处获得所需相关表格,伟德BETVLCTOR秘书根据员工提供信息,完成网上信息填报
论文评阅 5月31日前 员工按国科大要求完成学位论文,导师审阅并同意送审,学院邀请至少3名专家评阅论文,员工根据评阅意见修改论文 员工完成论文,学分和实习。伟德BETVLCTOR负责邀请专家评阅论文,并负责送审论文。员工应根据评审意见修改论文。
论文答辩 员工和导师向伟德BETVLCTOR提交申请答辩申请;提交申请答辩所需材料,完成网上申报手续 伟德BETVLCTOR受理答辩申请,负责组织答辩。员工从伟德BETVLCTOR网上或伟德BETVLCTOR秘书处获得所需相关表格,伟德BETVLCTOR秘书根据员工提供信息,完成网上信息填报。伟德BETVLCTOR组织论文答辩;负责向校本部学位委员会报送材料
审核 6月
  • 本部学位委员会对研究生申请学位材料审核
  • 学科群学位委员会对研究生申请学位材料审核
  • 国科大学位委员会对研究生申请学位材料审核
授予学位 7月 授予国科大学位 研究生从伟德BETVLCTOR领取学位证书