
  • 彭钰茹
  • 2020-07-01
  • 3636


       首先请伟德BETVLCTOR经理赵红和中丹中心主任Morten Laugesen 致辞:


中丹中心主任Morten Laugesen









 --Morten Laugesen and Zhao Hong

          感谢赵红经理和Morten 主任为大家带来的温暖的致辞,伟德BETVLCTOR永远是你们温暖的家。接下来请教师代表发言,再一次聆听老师的教诲,社会科学创新管理教授Dmitrij Slepniov致辞:

Dmitrij Slepniov教授

“Dear SDC Graduates

Congratulations to you! 2020 is a special year and you will always be remembered as a special cohort.

This year we are forced to celebrate your accomplishment at a distance. However, I hope that being physically far-flung and not being able to meet in person on the graduation day will not affect your resolve to keep and strengthen robust connections with your fellow classmates and teachers.

The moments of graduation are always filled with many different emotions. There is room for joy, excitement and the feeling of accomplishment. However, uncertainty, anxiety and apprehension about what lies ahead also enter the scene. Nobody can say for sure what tomorrow may bring. Whatever the world decides to throw at you outside the university walls, I am confident that you are better prepared for it than graduates from other more traditional educations in China, in Denmark or elsewhere in the world. You are much better positioned to be comfortable with uncertainty and complexity after your journey at SDC.

And what a journey it has been! A fascinating journey of discovering new things not only on the study subject matter, but also within oneself. Filled with exciting and enlightening moments, this journey has also been tough. We know that it is not easy to be far away from home, not easy to work with colleagues from different cultures, not easy to communicate in the language that is not your native tongue. But despite all these difficulties, you persevered and enhanced your resilience and professional qualities that today’s job market desires. I applaud you for this and congratulate you on your successes so far, but as a saying goes: ‘the end of one journey is the beginning of the next’.

Here are a few pieces of advice in preparation for your next journey. First of all, putting my teacher’s hat on, I have to mention knowledge. The bag of knowledge that you take away from the university is important. But we all know that with the current pace of change and dynamics of today’s world, this knowledge will become obsolete very fast. Therefore, remember to continuously refill your bag of knowledge, upgrade it and keep on learning.

Second, a thought about networks and relationships. They are difficult to build and easy to destroy. You were blessed with an opportunity to start building widespread international networks while being at the SDC classroom. I hope you will not waste this opportunity. Leverage the connections that you built, maintain them going ahead and make them count.

Third, in the world filled with uncertainties, we often face a dilemma of how to organize our actions and behaviours. Should we passively adjust to the developments around or should we proactively drive change in them? Perhaps you can explore the intersection between these two and seek both being driven (i.e. aware, empathetic, not indifferent) while at the same time driving positive development inspired by the values that SDC had been built upon (i.e. values of dialogue, engagement, cooperation).

Lastly, in choosing your next journey, make sure that you choose something that you will enjoy doing. In other words, do what you like. But also do it well, be passionate and proud of what you are doing. In other words, also like what you do. And success will follow!

Once again, on behalf of all my colleagues at SDC, big congratulations on your achievements so far and all the best with your future endeavours!

Dmitrij Slepniov
Aalborg, Denmark
June 2020”


       在面对种种不确定性,我们应该如何行动,相信同学们从Dmitrij教授的发言中学到很多。接下来请神经科学与神经影像的Kim Ryun Drasbek教授致辞:

Kim Ryun Drasbek教授

“SDC graduation ceremony 2020

Dear SDC Graduates

2020 is a very unusual year. A fact that has affected everyone. However, there are still things that is proceeding in an almost normal fashion including your graduation.  You are now at the conclusion of your studies at SDC master programmes, which unfortunately will not be celebrated together with your fellow graduates, SDC faculty etc. Nevertheless, it is worth celebrating and I have been asked to write a short text for your graduation webpage.

You have been on quite a journey since your enrollment at SDC. It has been very exciting to follow your development from newly enrolled master students to the Master’s graduates you are today. It has been a fascinating voyage and I hope that we as the faculty, teachers, supervisors, and coordinators have enriched your academic life and prepared you for your future careers.

When I first met you at the Campus in late August, the air was vibrant with the excitement and positive energy from all of you as you embarked on your SDC Master’s programmes. I know that the path to your graduation has had it bumps and twists and that study life has at times been challenging. But the fact that you are now SDC graduates proves that you have overcome all obstacles on your way. Now that you are about to start on the next part of your academic life, I am sure that some of that unique enthusiasm mixed with expectation I felt at the beginning of your studies will be there again for this new adventure of your life.

During your studies, with the guidance of your teachers and supervisors, you have acquired special knowledge, competencies, and skills that are central for your academic choices. However, one of the most important abilities you are developing is the nature of scientific thinking and the ability to approach scientific questions from different angles. This academic creativity is of great value for the scientific community. In addition, your deep cross-cultural understanding after years of working together as students in class or labs gives you a head start as collaborations across sciences and borders accelerates scientific breakthroughs. Setting you ahead of national Master’s graduates is the international network you have through your fellow students, who will be scattered not only across China and Denmark but all over the world. Of course, your network also includes the SDC faculty starting with your supervisor team and also the many experienced researchers from Denmark and China you have encountered as teachers.

Are there then any advice I can give you? Apart from the obvious like work hard and pursue your goals, I would like to add be curious and open minded. And keep in mind that you will get further in life and in science by collaborating. So, in conclusion, Congratulations with your Master’s degrees. You should be proud of yourselves and know that I along with the entire faculty am so as well.

All the best wishes for the coming years.

Kim Ryun Drasbek

Principal Coordinator, Life Science

Head of Educational Programme, Neuroscience and Neuroimaging”


       感谢两位丹麦教授诚恳的祝福,Kim 教授希望我们对这个世界保持好奇心并且打开眼界,合作创新对于同学们未来的科研工作是至关重要的。下面是伟德BETVLCTOR吕兴梅教授致辞:






     今天,虽然因为疫情我们无法相聚,但我们的心依然紧密相连!未来的岁月中,希望你们能坚守国科大校训的“博学笃志 格物明德”,努力搭建中丹合作的桥梁,成为祖国的栋梁之才!老师们会时刻心系你们,做你们扬帆起航的坚强后盾,为你们加油!

















        最后放上2017级pm 同学制作的视频,送给同学们,过往三载,终将离别,祝愿大家前程似锦,心中有光,凡是过往,皆为序章。
