Student ID. NO. | CN Name | EN Name | Major | College | Honour |
201528004133007 | 房孝维 | FANG XIAOWEI | CBE | SDC | Merit Student |
201528004133066 | 李维俊 | LI WEIJUN | CBE | SDC | Merit Student |
201528004133076 | 马聪凯 | MA CONGKAI | CBE | SDC | Merit Student |
201528008743259 | 杨行康 | YANG XINGKANG | IM | SDC | Merit Student |
201528008743253 | 俞祎 | YU YI | IM | SDC | Merit Student |
2015B8009412114 | STINA SOEMOD FLOU | IM | SDC | Merit Student | |
201528012115042 | 王桃 | WANG TAO | NN | SDC | Merit Student |
2015B8009407134 | FRODI GREGERSEN | NN | SDC | Merit Student | |
201528011215103 | 阳滟彤 | YANG YANTONG | NN | SDC | Merit Student |
201528017308067 | 梁海鹏 | LIANG HAIPENG | NT | SDC | Merit Student |
201528017308063 | 张雨飞 | ZHANG YUFEI | NT | SDC | Merit Student |
201528017308063 | 张家宁 | ZHANG JIANING | NT | SDC | Merit Student |
201528016715044 | 贺宁 | HE NING | OM | SDC | Merit Student |
2015B8009407150 | PERNILLE KRONHOLM RASMUSSEN | OM | SDC | Merit Student | |
2015B8009407151 | ANNA-LISA SCHAAP-JOHANSEN | OM | SDC | Merit Student | |
201528008846037 | 王晓丹 | WANG XIAODAN | PM | SDC | Merit Student |
201528008846033 | 王巧玉 | WANG QIAOYU | PM | SDC | Merit Student |
2015B8009412130 | BETTINA MARGARETA WESTERHOLM | PM | SDC | Merit Student | |
201528006037092 | 田舒菡 | TIAN SHUHAN | WE | SDC | Merit Student |
201528004237095 | 刘晨 | LIU CHEN | WE | SDC | Merit Student |
201528008437012 | 孙笑蕾 | SUN XIAOLEI | WE | SDC | Merit Student |
201528004133069 | 赵彤 | ZHAO TONG | CBE | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528008743261 | 郭笑春 | GUO XIAOCHUN | IM | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528011203106 | 岳杨明 | YUE YANGMING | NN | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528017315070 | 赵小小 | ZHAO XIAOXIAO | NT | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528011315073 | 王语婧 | WANG YUJING | OM | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
2015B8009412127 | KASPER HOLST KRISTENSEN | PM | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives | |
201528006037090 | 龙学智 | LONG XUEZHI | WE | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528011215104 | 刘弘洋 | LIU HONGYANG | OM | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528017308064 | 施龙献 | SHI LONGXIAN | NT | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
201528008437013 | 伍彬 | WU BIN | WE | SDC | Excellence of Student Representatives |
1. 公司评优工作小组具体指导集中教学一年级各班及员工组织的评优工作,接收、汇总公示和上报相关评优材料。
徐冉冉 82680912,xuranran@ucas.ac.cn For CN students
王 昕 62531154,xinwang@ucas.ac.cn For DK students
2. 公司评优工作小组接受集中教学一年级各班级同学的咨询、投诉和意见建议,但需实名据实反映,以便及时进行反馈。