Nature子刊《Communications Biology》杂志论文发表者Nick Y. Larsen专访

  • 张晴
  • 2022-01-07
  • 21677

2021 92日,《Communications Biology》杂志在线发表了由中国科学院生物物理所蛋白质科学研究平台生物成像中心、丹麦奥胡斯大学、伟德BETVLCTOR共同合作的技术创新成果"Cellular 3D-reconstruction and analysis in human cerebral cortex using automatic serial sections"

该项技术创新成果是由2017级伟德BETVLCTOR博士毕业生 Nick Y. Larsen 在中科院生物物理所孙飞研究员与奥胡斯大学的 Jens R.Nyengaard共同指导下完成的,该团队建立了一种基于连续半薄切片自动收集的光学显微成像(automatic collector of serialsections for Light microscopyAutoCUTS-LM)三维重构新技术,并通过该技术对储存的人类大脑皮层组织中的锥体细胞进行了三维重构分析。该研究获得国家自然科学基金、中科院前沿科学重点研究项目等基金的资助。



Nick Y. Larsen, 2017级伟德BETVLCTOR博士研究生,由伟德BETVLCTOR、生物物理研究所、奥胡斯大学联合培养。神经科学与神经影像专业,主要研究方向为三维结构生物技术及其应用。博士期间,教授神经科学与神经影像研究生项目的基础课程:神经科学、高级神经科学、基础生物医学信号处理等课程。他的教学经验使他在哥本哈根大学和奥胡斯大学分别担任两个研究生的合作导师。

Nick Y. Larsen, a 2017 Ph.D. graduate in SDC, was jointly trained by Institute of Biophysics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Aarhus University, majoring in Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. His main research field is three-dimensional structural biology technology and its applications. During his Ph.D. study, he taught courses offered by the Neuroscience & Neuroimaging graduate program, such as Basic Neuroscience, Advanced Neuroscience, and Fundamental Biomedical Signal Processing. His previous teaching experience served him well as a co- supervisor for two graduate students from the University of Copenhagen and Aarhus University, respectively.




Sun Fei, the Principal Investigator of the National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) also serves as Director and Chief Scientist in Center for Biological Imaging, which is a core facility for Protein Sciences in Institute of Biophysics, CAS. Prof. Fei Suns research interest mainly focuses on the structure and functions of biological macromolecules including membrane proteins and supra macromolecular assemblies. Prof. Sun is a talented young scientist, who was the winner for National "Outstanding Youth Fund"; "Cheung Kong Scholars Program" for Young Scholars, and achieved  the first China Cryo-electron Microscopy Outstanding Contribution Award in 2017.

      Jens R. Nyengaard博士是奥胡斯大学分子形态学核心中心的教授和负责人,从事全职研究。Jens R. Nyengaard是中丹中心的客座教授和课程组织者。他的实验室专门研究光显微镜技术、先进的荧光方法、各种电子显微镜、分子技术,并将其与复杂的采样方法、定量图像分析技术和机器学习相结合,用于各种神经科学和转化研究问题。奖项和荣誉:奥胡斯大学参与多项大型国家和国际研究计划的合作伙伴;欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)科学顾问,国际立体学和图像分析学会前主席。

Jens R. Nyengaard is MD and performs full-time research as Professor and Head of the Core Centre for Molecular Morphology at Aarhus University. Jens is a Guest Professor and course organizer at Sino-Danish Center. His laboratory specializes in light microscopic techniques, advanced fluorescence methods, various types of electron microscopy, molecular techniques, and combines this with complex sampling methods, quantitative image analysis techniques and machine learning for various neuroscience and translational research questions. Awards and honors: Partner in several large national and international research initiatives involving Aarhus University; Scientific adviser in the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), previous President of International Society for Stereology and Image Analysis





This research project aimed to investigate and broaden the applicability of quantitative microscopy for estimating and measuring morphological changes in some extremely valuable archived autopsy-based human brains. Researchers face an incredible opportunity as well as a massive challenge when working with old archived tissue samples because many immunolabeling techniques cannot be used to identify and localize antigens due to soluble proteins in the cytoplasm that are commonly damaged or lost during long-term fixation.




During the development and optimization of the AutoCUTS-LM, we ran into some technical obstacles that resulted in folds and wrinkles on the sections while collecting them. Here we tested multiple parameters which could influence the quality of the section, however, that did not make any realistic analysis impossible. We then realized after months of testing that the number of wrinkles on the sections was much less during the summer months compared to the winter months in Beijing. Then I considered how the sections might be affected by environmental conditions. We discovered that the humidity in Beijing changed greatly between the summer and winter seasons. I then bought a humidifier to raise the humidity of the room, which improved the sections greatly. In my opinion,this modest discovery illustrates a common unknown scientific problem that one might come across during a scientific project.




International experience can help you to advance your career. It broadens one's horizons and teaches you how to form relationships with people from various scientific fields. In my case, we used every available resource available on both the Chinese and Danish sides to complete my Ph.D . research. Here, I acquired biological samples from Denmark that could not be accessed in China and then sampled them in China using a novel technology that I helped develop. Therefore, I would not have been able to achieve the results and experiences that I did during my Ph.D. without this collaboration, for which I am extremely grateful.


I completed a Master's Degree in Neuroscience & Neuroimaging here in SDC where I obtained a deeper knowledge in basic, molecular, cognitive and clinical neuroscience, PET/MR based neuroimaging techniques, and basic machine learning. As I learned a range of techniques during my education in an international environment, it has benefited me in better interacting and forming interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers across different research areas. Working and studying in China has broadened my cross-cultural awareness while also giving me the opportunity to improve my foreign language skills.



Nick我要感谢Jens R. Nyengaard教授,我的丹方导师,允许我继续这个博士项目。Jens R. Nyengaard是我见过的最专注、最勤奋的人之一,他完全相信我做出正确决定和独立工作的能力。在我整个博士项目中,他鼓励我相信自己的判断。当我感到沮丧时,他会倾听我的意见,他总是会及时回复我,并为我的挑战提供现实的解决方案。

I would like to thank Professor Jens R. Nyengaard, my principal supervisor, for allowing me to pursue this Ph.D. project. Jens is one of the most dedicated and hardworking individuals I have ever met, and he has complete faith in my ability to make good decisions and work on my own. Throughout my Ph.D. project, his attitude has encouraged me to trust my judgment. He listened to me when I was frustrated, was always approachable around the clock, and provided realistic solutions to challenges .

My other supervisor, Dr. Fei Sun, the department's Principal Investigator, has been an integral member of my Ph.D. study from the start. He has been there for me at every stage of my work in China, both technically and personally. When I became discouraged due to the work not progressing as anticipated, he provided me with moral support. He has also given me the freedom to make my own decisions regarding the research and has provided me with relevant feedback so that I may become a more independent researcher.




Finding an interesting project to work on as a graduate or Ph.D. student is, in my opinion, one of the most crucial things to do before starting work in a lab. Over the years, I have encountered students who are unmotivated to work on their projects because they find it boring. Therefore, doing something that interests you is very essential.




What attracted me to this scientific project was the balance of practical work, data analysis, and a clear story to tell. I had to go to the brain bank in Aarhus and collect brain tissue from subjects with mental disorders. The tissue had to be processed , embedded, and cut, and the images had to be digitalized before we could use artificial intelligence to detect and study neurons in the tissue.Therefore, there was a clear path of what to do for this project, which I appreciated.




I will consider my work to be a success if more people become interested in my studies, and I will then apply this methodology to other studies. But, it is too early to tell for the time being.








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英文/董俊娜 马悦舒 翻译/张宜