UCAS Defense procedure for Danish PhD

  • 张晴
  • 2022-08-30
  • 9039


UCAS Defense procedure

for Danish PhD


Before defense, defense secretary introduces defense panel experts, defense student and supervisor.

 2. 答辩委员会主席主持会议,宣布答辩开始;

Defense panel chair hosts defense and announces the start of defense.

 3. 答辩人报告论文的主要内容,博士至少30分钟;

Student delivers presentation for minimum 30 minutes.

 4. 委员及与会者提问,答辩人回答问题,时间不少于20分钟,答辩委员会秘书负责记录;

Student answers questions from defense panel members for minimum 20 minutes. Defense secretary takes notes.

 5. 答辩人及其他人员退席,答辩委员会举行内部会议,导师介绍答辩人的简历、政治思想、学习成绩、论文水平等,然后退席;

Student and audience leave to waiting room. After introducing student’s thesis and research, supervisor leaves to waiting room.

 6. 委员对论文进行评议,写出评语,并以无记名投票方式对是否授予学位进行表决;

Defense panel assesses dissertation, gives comment, and votes individually on Voting ticket.   

 7. 答辩委员会内部会议结束后,所有人员到场,主席宣读答辩委员会对论文的评语和表决结果,并在《论文答辩情况和学位授予决议书》上签字;

After panel discussion, all people are back to meeting. Panel chair announces the comment and result. All panel members sign on Defense Evaluation Protocol.  

 8. 答辩委员会主席宣布会议结束。

Panel chair announces the end of defense.